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Shallow Needling Anti-Nodule (SNAN) Acupuncture?

10 years ago, I developed Anti-Nodule Acupuncture Therapy (previously known as Mini Ren Acupuncture Therapy) based on a traditional small blade needle to target superficial fascia nodules, muscle spasms, and scar adhesive tissues. It is a very effective, revolutionary, minimally invasive therapy to treat various soft tissue injury pains, nerve compressions, dysfunctions, etc.

Anti-Nodule Acupuncture is a therapy that integrates traditional Chinese and Western medicine,

and is based on the four core theories of:


Abnormal tension


Abnormal Tension






Adhesion Scar



Myofascial trigger point theory

Myofascial Trigger Point Theory


Three-dimensional meridian theory

Three-dimensional meridian theory

These theories explain the occurrence and development of pain and the source and conduction of abnormal tension. Through superficial puncture, Mini Ren Acupuncture treats deep pain to restore tension balance, eliminate inflammation, and improve blood circulation. It eliminates pain and nerve compression quickly to achieve remarkable, timely, and long-term effects.


Advantages of ANAT

Its treatment features are:

  • The needle tip blade edge is only 0.35-0.50 mm. The pain is mild and tolerated by most patients without anesthetics or regulatory substances.

  • The treatment process is very safe. The insertion depth is typically less than 1 cm and will not damage big nerves or important blood vessels in deeper layers.

  • The theoretical basis is simple, objective, and scientific, and there is no need to study the Yi-Jing Ba-gua.

  • The therapy produces minimal bleeding, or almost no bleeding, avoiding secondary adhesion damage.

  • The treatment target tissues include deep and shallow fascia; tendons; shallow muscle attachment points; muscle spasm pain trigger points; cutaneous nerve compression sites.

  • This therapy supplies accurate treatment by finding the diseased muscle fascia based on the patient’s execution of movement.

  • The treatment process is easy and pleasant. Each session of treatment lasts only 2-10 minutes. Treatment frequency is once every 3 days. The general course of treatment can be 1-3 times, and 30-50 patients can be seen in one day.

  • The treatment method is simple with only the up and down insertion. There is no need for longitudinal or lateral peeling, no need for other auxiliary treatment methods such as massage, cupping, etc., and there are no unsightly cupping mark on the skin.

  • Diagnoses and treatments are objective and reproducible. The treatment effect can be confirmed by whether the painful nodules are eliminated or not, based on testing with the fingertips.

  • The curative effect is immediate for hand numbness, head dizziness caused by cervical spondylosis, and lower extremity numbness caused by lumbar disc herniation. The long-term effects are even better!

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Anti-Nodule Acupuncture Therapy

This online course will help you learn the unique safe and effective acupuncture technique to help more patients and let you become expert!


What others are saying

"Wow, that’s great!"

"Wow, that’s great! I treated someone with plantar fasciitis- mainly heel pain ; needled TN in gastrocnemius; distal Achilles and attachment - much easier to walk immediately especially after treatment to posterior calcaneous. 😮) Thanks so much Dr. Huang!"

- Lori Stuart


"My life changed forever"

"The Anti-Nodule Acupuncture Therapy has been very helpful -I recently treated a 82 year old woman with chronic lumbar spine pain ; groin and lateral hip pain - all resolved with three sessions! The lumbar spine pain was gone with one session . She are already knew her stretches and strengthening exercises ! I did a tight gastrocs this am and improved ROM as well as foot pain. I also did a greater trochanter for a glut that was sore on resistance and pain went away ! So cool !-Thanks again Dr Huang"
- Mila Kunis


"Highly recommend this"

"My patient with spinal stenosis that I treated last week came back very happy. Not only did she have an immediate in crease in ROM but she said she walked further and slept longer than she has in months. Thanks Dr. Huang"

- Megan Lee


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